Undescended Testicles (Cryptorchidism)

Undescended Testicles | Cryptorchidism - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor treats undescended testicles?

A: Undescended testicles are treated by a pediatric urologist or a pediatric surgeon.


Q: Does it pain when a boy has undescended testicles?

A: No, there is no pain associated with this condition.

Q: Do we need to perform any imaging tests to confirm undescended testicles?

A: Imaging studies are not routinely needed to check for undescended testicles. The doctor can mostly feel it by hand.

Q: Will a boy having undescended testicles be able to go through puberty?

A: Yes, he will go through puberty. However, if both the testes are missing, the boy may need hormonal treatment to achieve puberty.

Q: What is a testicular prosthesis?

A: When there is an absent testicle, a small implant with the consistency of a real testicle can be placed inside the scrotum. This is a testicular prosthesis.
