Vaginal Bleeding - During / After Sexual Intercourse
Vaginal bleeding can occur before or after sexual intercourse for the following reasons:-
- Intact hymen and its perforation may occur in a virgin and be the cause of bleeding during the period of a newly married couple’s honeymoon. Similar bleeding can sometimes occurs in a young virgin man when the skin inside his penis gets torn ( called the frenulum).
Injuries to the vaginal wall due to forced coitus, rape or intercourse
- Chlamydia, gonorrhea and yeast infections can bring about bleeding after intercourse
- Tumors or polyps on the vaginal walls can bring about bleeding during or after sex.
- In peri- or post- menopausal women the low hormonal status may result in painful sex because of the dry and thinned vaginal lining. This can cause bleeding during or after sex.
Women who experience vaginal bleeding during intercourse or after it must consult their doctor to determine the causes.