
Other Therapies for Vitiligo

Other Therapies for Vitiligo

Therapies Still Under Research

Newer and more effective means to fight Vitiligo are being researched.

  • Autologous melanocyte transplant: Pigment producing cells called melanocytes are developed in the lab using a sample of the patient’s skin. These cells are then transplanted into the body. The treatment is experimental and not widely accepted.
  • Piperine, a component of black pepper has been found to bring repigmentation in mice. It is more effective when used in combination with UV light. The effect on humans is yet to be studied in detail

Vitiligo and Lifestyle

Sunscreen lotions are protective against UVA and UVB rays and thus they prevent sunburns in patients with Vitiligo. Concealing cosmetics may be used. Emotional and psychological well being of the patient needs to be taken care. It is thought that emotional stress may flare up depigmentation (though this is not completely accepted due to lack of conclusive studies). The patient should also be treated for any associated depression.

Alternative Medicines for Vitiligo

Treatment with 40 milligrams of ginkgo three times a day is supposed to slow the spread of Vitiligo. The treatment is however not well studied.

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