- Warts: Overview - (http://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/diseases-and-treatments/u---w/warts)
- Johansson H, Bzhalava D, Ekstrom J, Hultin E, Dillner J, Forslund O. Metagenomic sequencing of “HPV-negative” condylomas detects novel putative HPV types. Virology May 2013;440(1):1-7. - (http://www.aad.org/dermatology-a-to-z/diseases-and-treatments/u---w/warts)
What are Warts?
Warts arise on damaged skin infected with HPV and are common in children, young adults, and those with a compromised immune system. Warts easily spread through skin contact, and are normally benign.
A wart is a small, rough or smooth benign growth on the skin caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts easily spread through skin contact. A patient with warts on one part of a skin can easily transmit warts to a different site of the body, simply by touching the wart.
Warts are found in different parts of the body. In general, they are not painful. However warts found in areas of the body where pressure is applied are painful. For example, warts on soles of feet are painful due to the pressure applied while walking.
Warts tend to be of the same color as the skin. They can be flat, rounded, rough, or smooth, depending on the site of occurrence in the body. They are common among small children, people with compromised immune systems, and younger adults.
Warts normally recede after a couple of months without any treatment. However, if they are painful or if the patient wishes to remove the warts for cosmetic reasons, surgical or medical treatment procedures are available.