Q: How perfoms an echocardiogram (ECHO)?
A: The availability of results depends on the availability of a cardiologist in the office.
It usually takes few hours to get the report.
Q: What do they do when you get an echocardiogram?
A: Once the images are interpreted by your cardiologist, he suggests the treatment. Getting an ECHO doesn’t mean you need a treatment. But appropriate treatment will be suggested once the diagnosis is made.
Q: Can I eat on the day of the test?
A: Yes. You can eat and drink before the procedure. In the case of TEE or stress echocardiogram, you will be suggested not to eat or drink for a few hours before the procedure.
Q: Should I take my medications on the day of the test?
A: Yes, you can take all the medications, according to your daily schedule.
Q: How will I feel during the test?
A: You will feel quite comfortable while performing the test. In the case of TEE, you may feel like gagging.
Q: How long does the test take?
A: It usually takes less than one hour.