Q: Which specialist doctor to consult to know about Mini-Mental Score?
A: Primarily a neurologist, neurosurgeon, or psychiatrists should be consulted, who specializes in the diseases of the brain, mind, and nervous system.
Q: How do you assess a Mini-Mental State Exam?
A: The Mini-Mental State Exam comprises a set of 30 questions to be answered to assess the cognition of a person.
Q: What are the components of Mini-Mental Status Examination?
A: The MMSE involves assessing five components of cognition like orientation, memory (immediate and delayed), attention, and language.
Q: Why do psychiatrists ask you to spell words backward?
A: Psychiatrists ask you to spell words backward in a MMSE tool to test your attention ability.
Q: What is the difference between MMSE and MoCA?
A: One of the significant differences between MMSE and MoCA is that latter is designed to detect even mild cognitive impairment in a person, unlike MMSE.