
Polysomnography - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor performs a polysomnography test?

A: Your doctor will refer you to a neurophysiologist who will conduct the test in the sleep disorder unit of the hospital or a specialized sleep study center.


Q: Are sleep studies done at home accurate?

A: With regard to sleep disorders, PSG tests done in the hospital setting give the best and most accurate results.

Q: What is sleep apnea?

A: It is a serious sleep disorder when a person’s breathing stops several times during sleep and can disrupt oxygen supply to vital organs. It can potentially cause heart attacks and stroke.

Q: What is the normal sleep pattern of persons?

A: A person without any sleep disorder typically shifts between non-REM and REM sleep about every 90 minutes, having about 4-6 cycles every night on average.

Q: What is meant by level 3 sleep test?

A: A Level 3 Sleep Test is a portable sleep test done in the patient’s home. The test is used to monitor uncomplicated sleep apnea but cannot diagnose other sleep disorders.

Q: What is narcolepsy?

A: People with narcolepsy feel extremely drowsy during the day and suddenly fall asleep during routine activities without realizing it.

Q: What are some of the parasomnias commonly diagnosed?

A: Examples of parasomnias include sleep-related eating disorder, sleep paralysis, sleepwalking, nightmares, sleep aggression, and REM sleep behavior disorder.
