
Routine Eye Examination - Intraocular Pressure

Intraocular Pressure

Schiotz tonometer: Measures the eye pressure by virtue of the needle reading on a scale while the tonometer is placed on the black part of your eye.

The eye is first anesthetized and the patient is made to lie down. The instrument is then placed over the eye and the needle shows a deflection which is read from a chart for the intraocular pressure.

Schiotz tonometry

Applanation tonometer: This is a small measuring device attached to the slit lamp. Eye is anesthetized and stained with a yellow dye. The applanation device is then gently touched on the black part of the eye to measure the eye pressure under blue light.

Applanation tonometry

Non contact tonometer: It measures the eye pressure by a puff of air on your eye. There is no contact with the eye and is a painless procedure. Based on the eye’s resistance to the puff of air, the intraocular pressure is measured by the machine.

Schiotz’s tonometer is the means of screening and gives a rough estimate of the eye pressure. Applanation tonometer is a gold standard for accurate eye pressure measurement while the non contact tonometer gives a fairly accurate result with the advantage that it does not touch the eye.

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