Q: Who all should do skin self examination?
A: Everyone! Children should be taught at an early age how to do it. All adults, irrespective of sex, age, and race should make it a habit, rather than taking it as a cumbersome medical procedure. This is more important in people from the white or from an anglo-saxon race. The incidence of melanoma and skin cancers are higher among people who have less melanin content in the skin.
Q: How often should skin self-screening exam be performed?
A: Ideally, for most of the people, an interval of three months is sufficient to repeat it. For photographic screening and a thorough examination by a dermatologist, an annual visit is recommended.
Q: How long does it take to perform the test?
A: After the first few times, it should not take longer than 5 to 10 minutes.
Q: What if one finds a suspicious lesion?
A: On noticing a suspicious lesion, don’t panic! See a dermatologist, as soon as possible.
Q: Do I need to see a doc, even if the lesion is absolutely painless?
A: “Do Not Ignore” any suspicious looking spot simply because it does not hurt at that point of time. Skin cancers may appear painless initially, but are dangerous all the while. See a doctor right away. Along with yearly skin examinations by a doctor or dermatologist, self skin examinations are the best way to ensure that you won''t become a statistic in the battle against skin cancer.