
What Medical Tests should you expect during Your Pregnancy? - Glossary


Prenatal test: A test done before the birth of the baby.

Trimester of pregnancy: Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters each of around 3 months. The first trimester is for 12 weeks, the second is from 13 to 28 weeks, and the third is from 29th week onwards till the birth of the baby.

Ectopic pregnancy: A pregnancy that occurs outside its normal place in the uterus. It could occur in the fallopian tubes, ovaries or even the abdomen.

Hydatidiform mole: Hydatidiform mole is a condition where the placenta does not develop normally and forms small grape-like vesicles.

Gestational diabetes: Diabetes that appears only during pregnancy. The blood glucose levels usually return to normal following delivery.

Preeclampsia: Condition that develops during pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure, fluid retention, and protein excretion in the urine.