110 Foods That are Unlikely to Spike Your Blood Sugar

110 Foods That are Unlikely to Spike Your Blood Sugar - Glossary


Diabetes: A condition in which the body cannot properly store or use glucose (sugar), the body's main source of energy

Insulin: Like growth factor 1 (IGF-1): A growth factor made predominantly in the liver; its levels increase in response to increased levels of GH

Insulin resistance: The diminished ability of cells to respond to the action of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream into muscle and other tissues

Carbohydrates: A type of food, usually from plants versus animals. Carbohydrates include simple carbohydrates (sugar, fruit) and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, starches). One of three nutrients that supply calories to the body, the body also uses carbohydrates to make a substance called glycogen that is stored in the liver and muscles for future use. See fat and protein

Glycemic Index: Glycemic index is used to measure the ability of foods to increase blood glucose levels. Based on which foods are classified into low (< 55), medium (55-69) and high (>70) GI foods.
