
CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) and High Blood Pressure

CoenzymeQ10 (CoQ10) and High Blood Pressure

CoQ10 is a coenzyme produced naturally in the body. It is also known as ubiquinone. It is a natural anti-oxidant. It is essential for mitochondria function. The highest amounts of CoQ10 are found in the lungs, the kidneys and the heart.

Recent studies on CoQ10 supplements have shown that they may be effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, its efficacy maybe due its ability to lower the levels of oxidized form of cholesterol that is dangerous. As it is an antioxidant it stabilizes the vascular system.

It is useful to add it as a supplement in pill or tablet form under medical supervision depending on your history and blood pressure symptoms. CoQ10 is got from the diet from sardines and peanuts, although the amounts obtained are minute

It is generally recommended for repair of damaged heart and improves the functioning of the heart.

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