Q: Which specialist doctor to consult for Body Odor?
A: A dermatologists can help in treating body odor.
Q: How to reduce body odor?
A: Practicing personal hygiene, use of antiperspirants, and avoiding foods that make the sweat smell bad can help in reducing body odor.
Q: How can I reduce my body odor naturally?
A: Avoiding foods such as cruciferous vegetables, garlic, soya beans, strong spices, and red meat can help in reducing body odor.
Q: What to eat to make you smell better?
A: Including fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, tofu, and meat has shown to be helpful in improving body odor.
Q: Does diet affect body odor?
A: Yes, diet can have an impact on body odor. Choosing the right foods to make the sweat smell good is important.
Q: Do vegans smell better?
A: There is no scientific study to prove vegans may smell better. However including fresh fruits and vegetables in regular diet can be helpful.
Q: What herbs help with body odor?
A: Topical application of herbal extracts such as tea, ginkgo leaf, and licorice root has shown to be beneficial.
Q: How to make your body smell good naturally?
A: Practicing personal hygiene and including more of foods like fruits and vegetables can help smell good.