
Health Benefits of Avocados - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it safe to eat avocados during pregnancy?

Doctors explicitly recommend avocados for pregnant women. The good monosaturates help to lower cholesterol and supply important compounds needed for the development of baby’s brains. It is advised that the expecting women eat organic and fresh avocados and consult their doctors before consuming them.

2. How much avocado is enough in a day?

Looking at the high content of fats and oils, it is advised that you don’t exceed more than one fruit a day. Make sure that you exercise to burn the extra calories from the fruit and enjoy the benefits.

3. Can a diabetic patient eat avocados?

Ans. Avocadoes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help to lower down the levels of cholesterol and won’t spike the level of sugars in your blood. It is an ideal fruit for diabetic and heart problems and can prevent stroke in heart patients. However, consult your doctor before including them in your diet.
