Health Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate is not just an ordinary delicacy. There are many myths among people about the effects of chocolate on health. But here are some health benefits busting these myths and which will give you new reasons to start eating chocolates.
Keeps teeth healthy: There is a myth amongst most parents that chocolates cause tooth cavity in their children, but the truth is that milk chocolates contain phosphates that protect the teeth from decay. On the other hand, dark chocolates contain theobromine which tends to harden the tooth enamel.

Provides vitamins and minerals: Chocolates contain a number of vitamins and minerals in them that support our health and immunity. Dark chocolates contain potassium, copper and magnesium that help prevent stroke and cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. They also contain iron that protects against iron deficiency anemia. Milk chocolates contain vitamins B1, B2, D and E which are very essential for good health.
Keeps the heart healthy: According to studies, eating dark chocolate in small amounts twice or thrice every week improves blood flow and prevents the formation of blood clots. It might also prevent the hardening of arteries.
Keeps depression away: Chocolates contain serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. The decrease in serotonin levels causes depression.
Keeps the brain healthy: Eating dark chocolates can increase the blood flow to the brain and heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. Dark chocolate reduces the risk of stroke. They contain several chemicals that affect our mood in a positive way. Eating dark chocolates can keep you in high spirits and happy.

Controls blood sugar: Happy news for diabetic patients, dark chocolates help in controlling blood sugar and keep the blood vessels healthy to protect diabetic patients. They also help in reducing insulin resistance, helping the cells function normally. They help in regaining the ability to use the body’s own insulin. The low glycemic levels in dark chocolate prevent huge spikes in blood sugar level.
Comes with loads of antioxidants: This explains why women are in love with chocolates. Dark chocolates are a rich source of antioxidants that help the body to get rid of free radicals. Free radicals cause cell damage and initiate cancer. Dark chocolates fight these problems and also slow down the signs of aging.
These reasons are enough to justify why people love chocolates so much. So, forget the myths about how chocolates harm your health and indulge in your favorite bar of chocolate!