Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke

Health Benefits of Jerusalem Artichoke - Health Tips

Health Tips

  • It helps to begin by introducing Jerusalem artichoke gradually into your diet, possibly a couple of times a week. One way to introduce it would be in lieu of potatoes in your cooking, such as a Jerusalem artichoke mash.
  • Be warned that one of the drawbacks is that with Jerusalem artichoke, flatulence can be an issue. This usually is not a problem unless the tubers are eaten in excess.
  • Consider alternating between using the raw tuber and cooking it to get the best of both methods of preparation.
  • In terms of storage, it is usually more optimal to let the tubers rest in the ground. For the sake of convenience, they can be refrigerated.
  • Enjoy maximum nutritional value by eating the tuberous root soon after cutting, especially if peeled.
  • When using it raw, you can try grating or thinly slicing them and incorporating them in healthy soups, salads or marinating them. Keep cooking light.
  • Refrain from overcooking, when possible, as steaming, stir-frying and other healthy cooking preparations are more than adequate for the tuber. One can occasionally go for a heavier preparation, like a Jerusalem artichoke curry, but bear in mind that they turn mushy soon if overcooked.
  • There are some other possible complications, such as gall stones, which may develop, so keep this in mind before relying too much on the tuber. If diabetic or suffering from complications, talk to your health care practitioner first.
  • As with a number of roots and vegetables, be sure to also consume the broth it cooks in. These cooking juices contain a good portion of nutrients.









