Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


In recent years the need for nutritionally healthy and sustainable plant-based foods has been rising across the globe. Pumpkin is one such vegetable that meets these needs with its unique composition that benefits human health. Pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of proteins, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Although considered as a by-product of the vegetable they have grabbed particular interest due to their chemical composition, therapeutic benefits, and industrial properties. Science-based health benefits of pumpkin seeds have been reported in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, arthritis, and cancer (1 Trusted Source
Pumpkin - health benefits

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Pumpkin is a popularly consumed vegetable that belongs to the genus Cucurbita and family of Cucurbitaceae, and is frequently used as a functional food. The flesh of most vegetables finds its way into culinary usage while the seeds are discarded. However, pumpkin seeds have gained momentum in the food industry as a healthy alternative to junk snacks. Pumpkin seeds are ovoid, semi-flat with olive-green colored kernels. They are buttery in texture and provide a sweet, nutty flavor (2 Trusted Source
A review on health benefits and nutritional composition of pumpkin seeds

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

The nutrient richness of pumpkin seeds provide benefits in heart health, diabetes, arthritis, bladder diseases, and bone diseases. They possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antidepressant, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial properties, which are discussed in detail below.

  • Anticarcinogenic effects: Cancer is a rapidly prevailing health problem across the globe. The anticancer property of pumpkin seeds is attributed to the presence of proteins, fiber, antioxidants, carotenoids, lignans, and flavones. A double-blinded placebo-controlled randomized study on hyperplasia patients revealed that pumpkin seeds helped decrease the signs and symptoms of cancer and uplifted their overall quality of life. Another study also identified that the seeds aid in turning down the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women. The benefits of pumpkin seed for females have been believed to be attributed to the presence of phytoestrogen which frequently binds with the estrogen receptors in the body. Estrogen is a hormone that plays prime roles in the menstrual cycle, bone density, and reproduction. Carotenoids are vital phytochemicals present in pumpkins that scavenge free radicals and protect against cancer. Increased consumption of carotenoids from diet eliminates the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, cardiovascular, and degenerative diseases.
  • Diabetes-friendly: Researchers have been extensively studying the antidiabetic properties of pumpkin seeds, peel, and flesh. Pumpkin powder has been shown to stimulate the production of insulin, the key hormone for regulating blood sugar levels. Using pumpkin seeds for diabetes control also supports the prevention of complications like renal damage. The presence of complex carbohydrates helps control the activity of alpha-glycosidase, there by controlling blood sugar spikes. An animal study that examined the effect of proteins isolated from pumpkin seeds found that globulin being the predominant protein in dry matter, significantly reduced blood sugar levels.
  • Antimicrobial properties: Proteins present in pumpkin seeds were found to halt the growth of yeast cells, and gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. The phloem exudates and a protein called pr-1 exhibit antifungal properties inhibiting pathogenic fungi. The pr-1 protein showed no toxicity in red blood corpuscles (RBCs), was heat stable, and also inhibited the activity of E. coli and Staphylococcus bacteria.
  • Heart protective effects: The benefits of pumpkin seeds for heart health are linked to the presence of phytosterols, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin K, essential fatty acids, and fiber. These nutrients help lower oxidative stress, inflammation, and cholesterol levels. Phytosterols may help prevent rising cholesterol levels by absorbing them in the small intestine. The primary fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds are linoleic acid (47%), oleic acid (29%), palmitic acid (13.3%), and stearic acid (8%). Studies have demonstrated that oleic acid and sterols in pumpkin seeds ward off atherosclerosis by modifying nitric oxide production or shutting down the expression of adhesion molecules.
  • Treats bladder disorders: The therapeutic effect of pumpkin seeds on bladder health has gained great attention. It helps in relaxing the sphincter and the bladder. Pumpkin seed oil has been shown to relieve problems related to prostate gland enlargement, micturition, and bladder irritation. It also helps in lowering the pressure in the bladder and urethra, and improves bladder compliance. Studies have also found that pumpkin seeds may help in decreasing calcium levels and the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in the urinary bladder, thereby preventing kidney stones.
  • Hypolipidemic effects: Consuming pumpkin seeds helps boost monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) levels in the diet. The unsaturated fatty acids may help in raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels and lowering total cholesterol levels. Modulating the cholesterol levels with pumpkin seeds helps prevent heart diseases and lowers blood pressure.
  • Hepatoprotective activities: Pumpkin seeds for liver health have been documented by different studies. The protein isolates of pumpkin seeds tend to exhibit the propensity to tune down higher concentrations of liver enzymes (like ALP, AST, ALT, and LD).
  • Promotes healthy skin: Using pumpkin seeds for skin health is attributed to the protective effects of beta-carotene, tocopherols (vitamin E), and vitamin C. These nutrients protect against sun damage and slow down the aging process.
  • Promotes strong bones: Zinc is an essential mineral that regulates bone health, prevents fractures, and osteoporosis, and supports mineral density. The anti-inflammatory actions exhibited by tocopherols, and carotene in pumpkin seeds help treat arthritis. It is advisable for menopausal women to consume pumpkin seeds to maintain bone density.
  • Psychological benefits: Pumpkin seeds exhibit antidepressant activities by helping uplift mood and prevent symptoms of depression. The tryptophan in the seeds and its metabolite 5-hydroxytryptophan helps in the production of serotonin. Serotonin is the hormone that regulates sleep, mood, and digestion (3 Trusted Source
    Nutritional and Therapeutic Importance of the Pumpkin Seeds

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  • Aid weight loss: Pumpkin seeds can support weight loss as they are rich in protein and fiber, which can promote feelings of fullness and curb overeating.
  • Good for pregnancy: The pumpkin seeds can benefit during pregnancy as it contains a good amount of zinc. Zinc boosts immunity and helps in healthy growth of the baby. It is beneficial to consume zinc-rich foods in pregnancy.

Nutritional Attributes of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds or pepita are a powerhouse of nutrients brimming with essential minerals and vitamins. The table below highlights the pumpkin seeds' nutrient composition.



Nutritive value (per 100g)


559 Kcal


10.71 g


30.23 g


49.05 g

Dietary fiber

6 g


Nutritive value (per 100g)

Vitamin A

16 IU

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

0.273 mg

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

0.153 mg

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

4.987 mg

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

0.750 mg

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

0.143 mg

Vitamin B9 (Folates)

58 mcg

Vitamin C

1.9 mcg


Nutrient composition (per 100g)


46 g


8.82 mg


592 mg


4.543 mg


1233 mg


7.81 mg


9.4 mg


1.343 mg

Seeds are an ideal choice of protein sources, especially for vegetarians. Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein, monounsaturated fatty acids, and fiber benefitting health.


The micronutrients in pumpkin seeds make it a valuable functional food ingredient. The kernels of the seeds also contain moderate amounts of potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Amino acids like arginine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acids are present in abundance while methionine and tryptophan are in sparse amounts. Phytonutrients like beta carotene (9 mcg), cryptoxanthin (1 mcg), and lutein-zeaxanthin (74 mcg) are present as well (2 Trusted Source
A review on health benefits and nutritional composition of pumpkin seeds

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) (3 Trusted Source
Nutritional and Therapeutic Importance of the Pumpkin Seeds

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


The unique nutty flavor of pumpkin seeds and the aroma that develops with roasting is appreciated in the culinary field. To obtain good quality seeds matured pumpkin fruits can be chosen. Here are a some must-try recipes using pumpkin seeds.

Pepita Pesto


Cilantro- 1 cup

Pumpkin seeds or pepitas- 1/3 cup

Extra virgin olive oil- ½ cup

Lime juice- 2 tbsp

Garlic- 1 clove

Cayenne pepper - ¼ tsp

Salt- as required

Preparation Method

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blender and grind until smooth.
  2. Add olive oil to adjust consistency.
  3. The pesto can be used on grilled meat or tacos.

Pumpkin Seed Guacamole


Avocados - 3

Roasted pumpkin seeds - 1/3 cup

Onion - 1 small

Cilantro, chopped - ¼ cup

Jalapeno - 1

Lime juice - 4 tbsp

Salt and pepper - as required

Preparation Method

  1. Mash avocados with a fork in a bowl. Toss in chopped onion, cilantro, jalapeno, and pumpkin seeds, and mix well.
  2. Add lime juice, salt, and pepper powder as per taste.
  3. Top with pumpkin seeds and serve with tortilla chips.

Pumpkin Seeds Brittle


Pumpkin seeds - 1.5 cups

Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp

Sugar - 2 cups

Salt - as required

Preparation method

  1. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside.
  2. Boil sugar, cinnamon, and salt in water. Keep stirring until sugar dissolves and continue cooking for about 8 minutes or up to 238 degrees F.
  3. Add the pumpkin seeds and stir occasionally for five more minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour on the baking sheet. Spread evenly using a spatula.
  5. Let it cool for an hour and peel away the baking sheet.
  6. Break the brittles into pieces and store them in a container.

Pumpkin Seed Kheer


Pumpkin seed -1cup

Sugar 1 cup

Milk half litre

Preparation method

  1. Wash the seeds well and soak for 30 minutes. Drain the water and keep aside.
  2. Grind the soaked pumpkin seeds, by adding ½ of Milk into a fine paste.
  3. In a pan add the ground pumpkin seed paste, rest of the milk, sugar and mix well.
  4. Let the payasam cook on low heat until it boils.
  5. Remove from heat and serve.
