
Iron: For the Blood

Iron: For the Blood

Iron is most important mineral for the health and rich amount of blood in your body. It is essential component for hemoglobin, the red pigment present in our blood. It is also found in myoglobin, which distributes oxygen to all the muscles of the body.

Lack of iron in the body causes anemia and other illness. Those women who are menstruating, pregnant or lactating are at higher risks of iron deficiency. Lack of iron causes weakness, fatigue and inability to focus.

Food items like cooked soybeans, cooked lentils, spinach, boiled swiss chard, Blackstrap molasses, tofu, mushrooms, turnip greens and green beans are the richest source of iron. Apart from them, iron supplements and pills are prescribed to anemic and pregnant women to meet the requirements.

The National Institute of Sciences has proposed the RDA of iron, which is influenced by gender and age.

1-3 years7-11 milligrams11 milligrams
14-18 years11 milligrams14-18 milligrams
19-50 years8 milligrams19-50 milligrams

Pregnant and Lactating - 27 milligrams

Though being a very essential mineral, there are side affects of iron overloading too. Excess iron in body can cause organ failure such as cirrhosis of the liver and heart failure. Hence, one should always consult the doctor before taking any iron supplement. Individuals with blood disorders that require frequent blood transfusions are also prone to iron overload in their body and are usually advised to avoid iron supplements.
