
Weight Loss with Olive oil

Weight Loss with Olive oil

If you substitute cooking oil or saturated fat in your diet with Olive oil, you may find that there is significant loss of body weight and fat mass over time which means - lose fat with fat! Sounds strange? Maybe. But a number of research studies have validated the theory of weight loss with Olive oil.

Prevalence of obesity is associated with the type of fatty acids in the diet. So, it all comes down to the type of oil and fats you are using in your diet. Olive oil is a very good source of MUFA or the mono-unsaturated fatty acids.

According to a randomized crossover study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, substituting dietary saturated fat with unsaturated fat, predominantly MUFA (e.g. Olive oil) ‘can induce a small but significant loss of body weight and fat mass without significant change in total energy or fat intake’.

Another population based cohort study from Spain shows that incidence of obesity is lower in people who consume Olive oil. This study on 613 people found that obesity incidence in those who were not obese at baseline was greater in those who consumed sunflower oil than those who were on Olive oil diet.


Obesity is, again, associated with an increase in the magnitude of postprandial lipemia, that is, the excess amount of lipids in the blood after 2 to 12 hours of your meal consumption. This varies from person to person. Higher the weight of a person, the more they benefit from the consumption of Olive oil.

A randomized study on 21 healthy young adult men has shown that higher-weight men present a greater postprandial response than lower-weight men, and consumption of Olive oil helps lower their levels of small triglycerides rich lipoproteins (TRL) after the meals.

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