
Evidence that favors Organic food

Evidence that favors Organic food

Organically grown food has a higher content of vitamin C.

Organic farming has been prevalent since the time the practice of agriculture began. A review of available, limited evidence indicates that there are some differences between the conventional and organic food. The amount of the various micronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements is believed to be similar in the organically and the conventionally grown food. However there seems to be higher ascorbic acid, or vitamin C content in organically grown leafy vegetables and potatoes.

Currently a few experiment on the animals who are fed on organic food indicates that animal reproductive performance is marginally better in comparison to the ones fed on conventional food. It is important in the light of the male sperm count having reduced over the last 100 years. Although there are various factors contributing to it, food with higher concentration of toxic chemicals may also be a contributing factor.
