Soy Free Recipes
Chicken salad
- 2 cooked chicken breasts
- One-fourth cup homemade mayonnaise
- Half cup dried apricots
- Few water chestnuts
- 1 tablespoon each of (whole or powdered) coriander, cumin, fennel, cardamom and pepper
- Salt to taste
- In a bowl, combine chicken, apricots and water chestnut.
- Add mayonnaise and mix.
- If using whole spices, roast them a bit and then grind them to powder.
- Mix thoroughly to coat it evenly over the ingredients.
- Add salt and served chilled.
Curried lentils with sweet potato
- Two tsp vegetable oil
- One medium sliced onion
- Two cloves garlic,
- 1 tablespoon chopped ginger
- One tsp each of ground cumin and curry powder
- One large sweet potato, peeled and diced
- Two cups dried lentils
- Four cups vegetable broth
- Two tablespoon tomato paste
- 5 ounce baby spinach or regular spinach
- Salt to taste
- In a pan heat the oil. Add onion, garlic, ginger, and the masala and cook till softened.
- Add sweet potatoes, then lentils, vegetable broth, and tomato paste and cook till the lentils are tender. Add salt.
- Stir in spinach and cook for a couple of minutes.
- Garnish with cilantro / coriander leaves and yogurt.
- Serve with steamed rice.