Health Benefits of Fox Nuts
1. Improve Weight Loss
Makhana or fox nuts are one of the healthiest snacks one can grab at any time. Being low in calorie count, fox nuts can be an excellent ingredient for the weight loss journey. As they are light and filling, they are a good option to satisfy your hunger in a healthy way.

2. Maintain Blood Pressure
Makhana can help in controlling the blood pressure levels and offers one of the best ways to manage the systolic blood pressure levels. Makhana is rich in potassium and less in sodium. A person suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension) can be extremely benefited by consuming these makhanas.
3. Slow Down Aging Process
Eating fox nuts can provide anti-aging effects and make you look younger. Fox nuts contain a natural flavonoid called kaempferol, which offers anti-oxidant properties by fighting the free radicals, thereby reducing the process of aging. Consuming makhana will help inhibit the aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines and premature graying of hair.
4. Protect Heart Health
Makhana is high in phytonutrients such as alkaloids, saponins and gallic acid that can protect your body from several diseases. Several studies suggest that low magnesium levels can generally put you at a higher risk for heart attacks. Makhana contains a plentiful amount of magnesium which is the highest channel blocker and significantly improves the blood and oxygen, thereby, reducing the risk of developing heart diseases. So, eat a handful of makhana every day to satisfy your body’s magnesium requirement.
5. Fight Arthritis
Makhana has good calcium content. Calcium intake is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Lack of calcium in the diet can make your bones fragile and weak, thereby, increasing the chances of fracture and arthritis. Consumption of fox nuts fulfills the calcium needs of your body and helps in strengthening bones of patients with arthritis and osteoporosis.
6. Improve Kidney Health
Fox nuts are packed with astringent properties and can help in preventing kidney related issues. Kidney health is controlled by a low sodium diet, regulated blood pressure, and less stress. Makhana offers all of these and helps the kidneys work better. Makhana can also relieve your body of difficulties such as frequent urination, inability to control urine or kidney failure.
7. Prevent Diabetes
Foods that contain a high glycemic index (GI) can spike blood glucose levels. Makhanas have a low glycemic index making them a best snacking option for people with diabetes. Also, fox nuts have plenty of fiber and low content of fats, thus, adding double benefit for diabetics to lower their blood sugar levels. Thus, fox nuts can promote healthy digestion and be a filling snack or meal to diabetics.

8. Prevent Inflammation
Flavonoids are antioxidants, which are secondary metabolite in plants can provide a positive effect on human health and help reduce inflammation and lower the chances of heart diseases in the body. Consumption of makhanas over a period of time can help regenerate dead tissues and fight chronic inflammation. Fox nuts being flavonoid-rich can also offer beneficial effects such as anti-bacterial properties on the body and help maintain good health.
9. Detoxify the Spleen
Euryale Ferox can help in detoxification and keep the spleen clean. Eating makhanas can help the body to flush out the waste and thus, prevent the accumulation of toxins. The spleen is the graveyard of blood cells, as it cleans up the bloodstream, clearing the dead blood cells. While red blood cells (RBC) are recycled in the spleen, white blood cells and platelets are stored. It is also a part in which the immune system in the body is enhanced. Fox nut has a therapeutic effect on the spleen, and it supports the spleen to function well.
10. Treat Insomnia
Eating fox nuts can give a very relaxing and soothing effect and help deal with stress effectively and get rid of insomnia naturally. The isoquinoline alkaloids found in these seeds have sedative and calming properties.