
Top 5 Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

What is Wheat Germ?

Wheat has been an integral part of the daily diet of millions of Indians for eons. Its usage in different dishes mostly involves grinded flour that may or may not contain all the three parts of a wheat kernel. A wheat kernel has three prime parts; Bran, Endosperm and Germ.

A whole wheat cereal or flour is way better than the refined fortified products. Wheat germ is the most important and nutritious part of wheat grain. It is highly rich in vitamins, proteins, calcium and other vital elements.

Heath Benefits of Wheat Germ

Availability: Today it’s really easy to find edible wheat germ. Raw wheat germ cereals or mixed cereals and wheat germ breads are available at almost every supermarket these days. Also, one can have toasted wheat germ grains or organic wheat germ that can be added to many dishes. Wheat germ is also extracted to oil which is equally rich in nutrients.

Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

Improves Immunity: Wheat germ being rich in all types of nutrients helps in enhancing immunity. The protein hydrolysates present in wheat germ increases the activity of antioxidants in the body. This prevents cell and tissue damage to the body and eradication of any infectious organism, thereby improving the body defense mechanism.

A daily diet rich in wheat germ fulfills the daily recommended dose of many important nutrients which help in fighting infections, make the body stronger and reduce the chance of serious illness.


Keeps a Healthy Heart: Wheat germ has high quantities of the fatty acids that are good for a heart health and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and other heart problems. It is the bad cholesterol that gets oxidized and deposits on the walls of arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks. High amount of omega 3 fatty acids promotes the good cholesterol levels and lowers the effects of bad cholesterol on the cardiac system while the presence of octacosanol also helps in reducing cholesterol levels and keeps heart healthy.

Wheat Germ for Healthy Heart

Increases Stamina: Presence of octacosanol which is shown to have properties that enhance stamina and athletic performance of a person. Wheat germ when consumed regularly helps athletes to maintain their daily energy requirements and perform better. Also, the calcium and proteins in wheat germ increase stamina and makes body stronger.

Nurtures Younger and Beautiful Skin: Wheat germ possesses anti-aging properties related to skin and hair. A diet rich in wheat germ can make you look younger, develop flawless skin and also grow stronger hair. It is rich in vitamin E, which helps in revitalizing skin and nourishing the scalp for hair growth. Wheat germ is taken as supplement to replenish the vitamin E levels in the body and prevent ageing of skin. Wheat germ oil is also as good as raw wheat germ cereal for hair and body massage. Regular diet of wheat germ also helps in sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles and fine lines.

These days many nature based skin and hair care products are found to have wheat germ vitamin extracts. One must be sure of its low or zero chemical nature so as to get maximum benefits.

Wheat Germ for Good Skin

Prevents Diabetes: Folic acid is present in high quantities in wheat germ that makes it an effective food against diabetes. Folic acid reduces the level of homocysteine in body and therefore it reduces the risk of many chronic diseases like diabetes and vascular irregularities. A daily supplement of wheat germ in diet is highly recommended for people at risk of developing such diseases.


Other Health Benefits

  • Prevents cancer
  • Provide a wholesome, nutrient rich diet in pregnancy
  • Maintain muscle health
  • Enhance cellular metabolism

Tips for Usage

  • People having gluten intolerance must avoid wheat germ as it also contains high amount of gluten and it could really bother them.
  • It is high in carb content so people on low carb diet should also avoid it.
  • It can sometimes cause side effects like nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.
  • As it is high in calorie content, the daily intake of calories must be monitored to prevent any chance of weight gain.
  • It must be kept refrigerated to avoid spoilage.
  • Wheat germ adds crunch and good texture to muffins, pancakes and cereal mixes.

Recipe with Wheat Germ

Wheat Germ Upma Ingredients:

  • Wheat germ cereal 1 cup
  • Chopped onions ½ cup
  • Chopped tomato ½ cup
  • Chopped green chilies
  • Oil 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  • In a pan, put some oil and add chopped green chilies and onions.
  • Add tomatoes and sauté for some time.
  • Now add water and bring it to boil.
  • Add wheat germ cereals to it and mix well.
  • Let it cook until little dry.
  • Serve hot.

Latest Publications and Research on Top 5 Health Benefits of Wheat Germ









