
Types of Milk - FAQs

Q: Is milk high in calories?

A: A glass of 2% milk provides only 129 calories, the same as an equal amount of apple juice. 1% milk is about 108 calories per cup and skim milk is about 91 calories per cup.(which source have the calories been taken) (From a site on milk on the Net)


Q: How is goats milk different from cows milk?

A: There are nutritional similarities between goatsand cows milk. Both have similar fat, protein, and carbohydrate content, and both are excellent sources of calcium and riboflavin. Unlike cows milk, goats milk contains very little folic acid, is low in vitamin B12.

Q: What is pasteurization?

A: pasteurization is a process of heating milk to a high temperature to kill disease-causing bacterial. In modern facilities, milk is heated to 72.8°C for 16 seconds or 89°C for 1 second, and rapidly cooled to 4°C. Pasteurization not only makes the milk safe to drink, it increases the life of the milk. (Refer to the article on Pasteurization for detailed information)

Q: What is lactose intolerance?

A: Lactose is the natural sugar present in milk. Lactose-intolerant people, or lactose maldigesters, to be more precise, lack enough of lactase, an enzyme needed to completely digest the lactose. Lactose intolerance refers to the symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort which some people feel after drinking milk or eating lactose-containing foods. With a little experimentation, people can find their tolerance level and can consume small servings of milk spread throughout the day. Certain cheeses and yogurts are lower in lactose. Others people use special lactose free milk such as Lactaid or Lacteeze.

Q: Is Skimmed milk is less nutritious than whole milk.

A: Skimmed milk has the same 15 essential nutrients, in the same amounts as whole, 1% or 2% milk. The only difference is that skim milk has virtually no fat and less calories than whole, 1% and 2% milk.

Q: Why is calcium so important?

A: Calcium is an essential nutrient that is not produced in the body, and we need to get enough from the food we eat. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. Calcium is also needed for muscles like the heart to contract, blood to clot, and nerve impulses to transmit in the body. If the body’s calcium needs are not met through the foods, it will be withdrawn from the bones, which are the storehouse for calcium. Milk products are excellent sources of calcium. However, only fluid milk also contains vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorbs calcium and is equally important for bone health.

Q: Does Drinking milk cause mucous?

A: Drinking milk and eating milk products does not cause mucous production.

There is a widespread belief that eliminating milk from their diets will alleviate respiratory symptoms associated with a cold. However, studies have shown that drinking milk does not stimulate the production of respiratory mucous or obstruct bronchial airflow. Research has shown no statistically significant association between milk intake and mucous production.











