
The Mediterranean Diet - The Magic of Olive Oil

Why is Olive Oil used extensively in the Mediterranean Diet?

The basis of Mediterranean diet is olive oil, which is a good source of monounsaturated fat. Its magic lies in the plethora of health benefits it has to offer. Here are some benefits of olive oil.

  • Consuming olive oil can actually help lower harmful LDL cholesterol.
  • Olive oil contains antioxidants that discourage artery clogging and chronic diseases, including cancer.
  • Olive oil is rich in vitamins A, thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), C, D, E and K and iron.
  • Olive oil acts as a mild laxative; it is a friend to the intestine and an enemy of ulcers and gastritis. When consumed before a meal, olive oil protects the stomach from ulcers.
  • Olive oil has been regarded as the ‘beauty oil’. The body's cells incorporate the valuable fatty acids from the oil, making arteries more supple and skin more lustrous.
  • The amount of oleic acid in olive oil is about the same as that found in a mother's milk and is thus the best growth supplement for infants.
  • Olive oil is effective in treating urinary tract infections and gall bladder problems.
  • Olive oil is a perfect remedy for gastritis in children.
  • Olive oil accelerates brain development, and strengthens the bones.
  • Olive oil is cholesterol free and has been found to lower the degree of absorption of edible fats, and consequently slowing down the aging process.

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