Q: Which doctor should I consult for therapeutic drug monitoring?
A: A General Practitioner (GP) would clinically evaluate and may recommend TDM, depending on the clinical needs. Based on the observed therapeutic response or adverse effect of the drug, the GP may then refer to a specialist, clinician or pharmacologist who can advise further on justifying the need for TDM for the specific clinical condition and the therapeutic drug.
Q: Who is involved in conducting TDM and interpreting the results of TDM?
A: Physicians, scientists, clinical pharmacologists and clinical pharmacists interpret the results of TDM, based on pharmacokinetic information of the drug and clinical responses.
Q: Can one do the drug monitoring at home?
A: No, blood samples have to be collected from the patient’s body and then analyzed using special equipment.
Q: What is the therapeutic index?
A: It is a ratio of the amount of therapeutic agent that exhibits the therapeutic effect to the amount that causes toxicity.