
Frostbite - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide


  • Frostbite is damage caused by extreme cold to skin / tissues 
  • At -15C or below, blood vessels constrict to preserve body temperature 
  • When this state persists, tissue injury occurs 
  • Frost bite usually affects tissues which are distant from the heart 
  • It also occurs in tissues that are most exposed to cold 
  • The organs that are usually affected are -
    1. Nose,
    2. Ears,
    3. Fingers
    4. Toes
  • Care should be taken to prevent permanent tissue damage 

Risk Factors

  • Diabetes
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Use of beta-blockers


  • Skin Discolorations
  • Loose skin
  • Tingling/burning sensation
  • Partial/Complete numbness

In severe cases,

  • Dry gangrene followed by amputation


Get medical help as soon as possible. Meanwhile 

  • Wrap the affected area using clean cloth

If no medical help is forthcoming -

  • Move the victim to a warm place 
  • Treat hypothermia first. Cover the person well 
  • Keep the frost-bitten site in warm but not in hot water 
  • This should be done till sensations returns 

Steps to Avoid

  • Do not rub / massage the affected area 
  • Avoid treatment if a second round of cold exposure is anticipated 
  • Treatment followed by freezing causes extensive damage 


  • Avoid - 
    1. Extreme cold
    2. Wet clothes
    3. Chilly Wind
  • During cold weather, wear several layers of clothing 
  • Wear accessories like-
    1. Mittens, not gloves
    2. Two pairs of socks
    3. Hat / scarves to cover both ears well
  • Get enough food and rest
  • Avoid alcohol immediately before exposure to cold
  • Avoid cotton clothing
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