Home Remedies for Birth Control

Home Remedies for Birth Control

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Birth control is a watchful measure to prevent and avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is important to understand the value of careful birth control methods in order to make it harmless for women not ready to be pregnant (1 Trusted Source

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Various medical contraception techniques are effective but the oral ones may have certain risks associated side effects such as nausea, weight gain, increase menstrual bleeding and liver issues (2 Trusted Source
Side effects of Oral Contraceptives

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). Birth control options plays a major role in the reproductive and overall health of both men and women (3 Trusted Source
Birth Control

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Nature always has solutions for any condition, and birth control is not untouched by nature’s benefits. There are some cost effective birth control methods that can be practiced at home; however, they are not foolproof but have been used since ancient times. It is good to know about them and use them for added protection with the recommended methods.

Why Birth Control?

Women in childbearing age must be protected against unwanted pregnancy as this can negatively affect her reproductive health. It is important to maintain at least 3-year space between two pregnancies for women to replenish the nutrient pool and allow a non-complicated healthy pregnancy (1 Trusted Source

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Healthy mother bears a healthy child. Birth control is very important for ensuring the good physical and mental health of the unborn child. Birth control is also an obligatory measure to combat rising population issues (4 Trusted Source
An Evidence-Based Update on Contraception

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Home Remedies for Birth Control

Disclaimer: Use these methods along with recommended methods for added protection knowing the imperativeness of birth control for good health, one must look for suitable and effective birth control options. Many natural remedies for birth control are safe and easy that can be practiced at home. As mentioned previously these are not foolproof and should be only used if other options are not available (5 Trusted Source
The Pill and its Four Major Developers

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). Let’s take a look at different types of birth control methods:

1. How to Prevent Pregnancy Naturally

Safest days not to get Pregnant: Calendar method is a technique marking monthly menstrual cycles to check the dates falling on ovulation days on which there are maximum chances of getting pregnant. It is a preventive measure to avoid pregnancy by calculating the possible days of ovulation. Minimum of 12 cycles must be charted, subtract 18 days from shortest and 11 days from longest menstrual cycle to get the days when you are most fertile. Only women who have menstrual cycles of about 26 to 32 days long are candidates for this method. Use protection on these days or follow abstinence from intercourse to prevent pregnancy (6 Trusted Source
Natural Family Planning

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Birth Control: Use Calendar Method Technique

Temperature method: Ovulation results in raised body temperature of approximately 0.5 to 1 degrees Fahrenheit. Record body temperature three times daily to find the day when ovulation occurs. Preventing intercourse on these days or using protection can be helpful in avoiding unwanted pregnancy. This unique methodology was common before the invent of oral contraception pills (7 Trusted Source
Physiology, Ovulation And Basal Body Temperature

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Condom: It is the most popular barrier method of contraception. Using a condom during intercourse is the most effective and safe birth control option. It is rare that this method could fail. One should ensure proper hygiene while using a condom to avoid any infection. A study suggest that condoms are considered as the first line of defense against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (8 Trusted Source
Condoms for Dual Protection: Patterns of Use with Highly Effective Contraceptive Methods

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2. Herbs for Birth Control

Queen Anne’s Lace: Queen Anne’s Lace or wild carrot seed prevents implantation of egg by disrupting progesterone synthesis. Wild carrot seeds must be taken soon after unprotected intercourse for up to seven days. It can also be taken as a concoction or tea. Mild side effects like constipation may occur after its usage (9 Trusted Source
Carrot seed for contraception: A review

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Wild Carrot or Queen Anne's lace for Birth Control

Cotton Root Bark: Cotton root bark when dried is an herb preventing pregnancy. The dried cotton root, when taken as tea or boiled in water, stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin and may prevents pregnancy (10 Trusted Source
Gossypol: a potential antifertility agent for males

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Pennyroyal (Spearmint): Pennyroyal is also a good option and may prevent unwanted pregnancy. This ancient method is most helpful when the herb is added to tea and taken in small dosage. More than required consumption can cause poisonous reactions too (12 Trusted Source
Mentha pulegium L. (Pennyroyal, Lamiaceae) Extracts Impose Abortion or Fetal-Mediated Toxicity in Pregnant Rats; Evidenced by the Modulation of Pregnancy Hormones, MiR-520, MiR-146a, TIMP-1 and MMP-9 Protein Expressions, Inflammatory State, Certain Related Signaling Pathways, and Metabolite Profiling via UPLC-ESI-TOF-MS

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Black and Blue Cohosh: Black and Blue Cohosh herbs stimulate the release of oxytocin hormone resulting in contraction of uterine walls and prevent pregnancy. One must consult a doctor about the dosage that can be taken. Consume it in the form of brewed concoction for prevent pregnancy (13 Trusted Source
Safety and efficacy of blue cohosh (Caulophyllum Thalictroides) during pregnancy and lactation

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Consult with a physician regarding the dosage of the herb. Consume it in the form of brewed concoction for preventing pregnancy.

Use Black and Blue Cohosh for Birth Control

Parsley: Parsley a readily available herb and maybe useful in preventing pregnancy. It does not have any side effects, which makes it one of the most beneficial organic birth control methods (14 Trusted Source
Essential Oil Safety

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3. Fruits and Dry Fruits

Citrus fruits: Vitamin C has been used for birth control option. Citrus fruits like lemon, amla and guava are rich in vitamin C content. Pure vitamin C is most recommended and may help in avoiding pregnancy. Pure vitamin C can also be taken as supplements. Take 2 doses of vitamin C (500 mg) up to 3 days after unprotected intercourse. It should not be taken if tested positive for pregnancy.

Dried Apricot: Dried apricot is also helpful in birth control if taken after intercourse. Mix some dried apricots with honey and water and blend it into a mixture. Consume one cup of this mixture to prevent pregnancy. It is an effective, easy and quick way to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Dried Apricots and Honey for Birth Control

Papaya: Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which suppresses progesterone, sex hormone essential for conception. Eating papaya after unsafe intercourse may help prevent pregnancy. It does not let fertilization to occur and aids birth control. Avoid taking papaya if the pregnancy test is positive as it may lead to abortion and other problems (15 Trusted Source
The natural way. A tropical contraceptive

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Dried Anjeer (Fig): Anjeer is adopted as a method of birth control since ancient times. Eating 1-2 dried anjeer fruit may help to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Large quantities of dried anjeer may cause stomach upset so it is available to be taken in controlled quantities.

Herbs that can kill Sperms


Neem is a spermicidal herb which has been used since ancient times as a contraceptive. This Indian herb can be taken as leaves, extract or neem oil. Though it does not affect the production of sperm, neem kills sperms instead. Both males and females can take neem extract or neem oil as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. It is said that Injecting neem oil through the vagina can cause reversible infertility in female for about one year (11 Trusted Source
Appendix Breakthroughs in Population Control?

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As warned earlier, all these home remedies are not foolproof method of preventing unwanted pregnancies and should be only used if other options are not available.

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