Home remedies to get a healthy liver

Home remedies to get a healthy liver

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Liver performs several functions in the human body. A healthy liver is essential for optimum digestive health and proper metabolism. Liver also keeps the immune system healthy, eliminates toxins and stores several vital nutrients needed by the body. It also produces bile that aids in digestion.

Without a healthy liver human body can deteriorate fast. Liver diseases cause many other problems as the liver supports almost all body parts in some way or another.

Liver diseases can be caused by viruses. These are called Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Other types of liver diseases can be due to cancer, genetics or excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. Hemochromatosis is hereditary, and cirrhosis is caused by scar tissue formation. Jaundice also has many underlying causes, such as blood diseases, other liver disorders, infections or medicine use (1 Trusted Source
Physiology, Liver

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Lethargy, acidity, loss of appetite and upper abdominal pain and yellowing skin are some of the first signs of a liver disorder.

Causes of liver diseases

Liver disorders could be due to some reasons like infections, hereditary issues, cancer, abnormalities in the immune system, alcohol abuse and excess fats in the liver.

  • Infections by virus spread through bodily fluids. If a healthy person comes in contact with infected semen or blood, the result could be Hepatitis (A, B or C) depending on the viral infection. Hepatitis C virus is one of the most common cause of Hepatic Cirrhosis (2 Trusted Source
    Hepatic Adenoma

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  • Cancer can be in the liver or in the bile duct. Then there is also hepatic adenoma, which is caused due to high levels of exogenous estrogen in the body. Exogenous estrogen means the hormones are not produced in the person’s body but enters the body through external means like consuming oral contraceptives (2 Trusted Source
    Hepatic Adenoma

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  • Faulty gene passed on through from one or both parents can lead to liver damage and may cause problems such as Wilson’s disease and Hemochromatosis (3 Trusted Source
    Wilson's disease: A review of what we have learned

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  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis and also autoimmune hepatitis are liver problems that arise due to faults in the immune system (4 Trusted Source
    Hepatic Cirrhosis

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Disclaimer: The home remedies suggested here are not a substitute for treatment by doctors. It is highly advisable to seek an expert’s opinion. All the remedies listed here may not be suitable for everyone. It is recommended to check for allergies or do a patch test before using the remedy.

Here are some suggestions for home remedies for a healthy liver.

1. Garlic

Garlic is both used as a food flavouring and as a traditional medicine that helps in many health disorders including those of liver. Due to its high selenium content, garlic helps cleanse the liver. Garlic detoxifies the body and helps activate liver enzymes.

  • Consuming garlic cloves on an empty stomach may help you reap the benefits of it.
  • Include garlic in meals, though consuming raw garlic is more beneficial (5 Trusted Source
    Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects

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Healthy Liver: Garlic

2. Indian gooseberry or amla, lemon and grapefruit

High content of vitamin C in limes and lemons, amla, grapefruits and all citrus fruits may help detoxify the body and aid liver functions.

  • Drink juice of lemon with warm water.
  • Eat one citrus fruit daily.
  • Chew on amla pieces anytime through the day or grate this berry to include in fresh salads, lentil dishes, yogurt or savory pancakes (6 Trusted Source
    Hepatoprotective properties of the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn): a review

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Indian Gooseberry Liver

3. Papaya

Fresh papaya may help with liver cirrhosis. Papaya seeds also make for a useful home remedy.

  • Eat fresh papaya as part of breakfast every day. This can be a healthy habit.
  • Consume papaya juice mixed with lemon juice as an additional remedy for cirrhosis.
  • Extract juice of papaya seeds and have it with lemon juice (7 Trusted Source
    Papaya improves non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese rats by attenuating oxidative stress, inflammation and lipogenic gene expression

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Healthy Liver: Papaya


Antiseptic and antioxidant properties of turmeric aid in good liver health.

  • Consume turmeric with milk or honey.
  • Use it in cooked meals as much as on a daily basis (8 Trusted Source
    Curcumin in Liver Diseases: A Systematic Review of the Cellular Mechanisms of Oxidative Stress and Clinical Perspective

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5. Milk thistle

This herb is natural remedy for liver health. It may help in the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis infections.

  • Brew tea from crushed milk thistle seeds and drink daily.
  • Consume milk thistle powder every day after meals (9 Trusted Source
    Milk Thistle

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6. Green tea and other concoctions

Green tea, licorice tea and dandelion root tea are natural remedies for liver problems. However, the effect of green tea on individuals depends on their health status. It may help in maintaining good liver function in already healthy individuals.

  • Brew the concoctions made from green tea or dandelion root powder or powdered licorice root and drink it twice a day.
  • Include these as a part of your every day diet (10 Trusted Source
    Effects of green tea or green tea catechin on liver enzymes in healthy individuals and people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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Healthy Liver: Green tea

7. Avocado

This fat-rich food helps in the production of glutathione, which may aid the liver to detoxify the body.

  • Eat the fruit as a snack or scoop out the fruit to use in salads.
  • Use as a flavoring in desserts.

8. Apples

Pectin in apples helps the release of toxins from the digestive track thereby reducing the workload of the liver.

  • Eat apple after dinner or drink the juice at least 2-3 times a week for good liver health.
  • Use apples in salads and desserts to increase its consumption (11 Trusted Source
    Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits

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Healthy Liver: Apple

9. Cruciferous vegetables

Cauliflower and broccoli aid in enzyme production in the liver. These enzymes are necessary for flushing out carcinogens from the body and thus reduce risk of liver cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables for Liver
  • Eat raw or grilled broccoli.
  • Eat lightly-cooked cauliflower seasoned with turmeric and mustard seeds (12 Trusted Source
    Plants Consumption and Liver Health

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Other diet and lifestyle changes

These changes in lifestyle may help in maintaining a healthy liver. If the liver is already affected, these lifestyle changes may help in protecting the liver from further damage.

  • Consume olive oil or flaxseed oil in moderation.
  • Reduce intake of wheat flour and refined foods.
  • Eat vegetables like cabbage, carrots, beetroot and fresh leafy greens.
  • Drink buttermilk and citrus juices.
  • Consume sufficient water.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Exercise and remain physically active.











