- Periodontal Disease - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554590/)
- Cecil Medicine, 23rd Ed.
- The Merck Manual of Patient Symptoms.
- Bruxism-Related Signs and Periodontal Disease: A Preliminary Study - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5997850/)
- Curcumin for the Management of Periodontal Diseases: A Review - (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32400326/)
- Effect of Subgingivally Delivered 10% Emblica officinalis Gel as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis - A Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial - (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26914986/)
- Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene – A review - (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2225411016300281)
What is a Loose Tooth?
Looseness of teeth is commonly caused by periodontitis that can lead to chronic gum disease, gum recession and bone loss. The infection can damage the tissues and bones surrounding your teeth. Tissues around a loose tooth become red and swollen, and you will experience pain and discomfort while chewing. Want to know more about loose teeth and learn some home remedies that can help strengthen your teeth? (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Periodontal Disease
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Common Causes of Loose Teeth
- Gum disease is a common cause of loose teeth. When gum disease is left untreated, the tissues and bones surrounding your teeth can weaken and become damaged, resulting in loose teeth.
- Tooth loss may also be due to dental injuries or accidents that may lead to loose teeth or bone fracture.
- Many people like to eat foods that contain a lot of sugar, carbohydrate and acid foods, but these can damage your teeth and gums and cause tooth decay.

- Tooth grinding, also known as bruxism is a condition where a patient may clench their jaws throughout the day, putting a strain on the teeth, and this can sometimes lead to tooth loss (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Bruxism-Related Signs and Periodontal Disease: A Preliminary Study
Go to source). - Loose teeth may also be due to poor oral hygiene. People who don’t brush their teeth daily may develop cavities and gum disease that will lead to tooth loss (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Bruxism-Related Signs and Periodontal Disease: A Preliminary Study
Go to source). - Chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy complications are associated with periodontitis. It is highly recommended to consult your doctor immediately (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Curcumin for the Management of Periodontal Diseases: A Review
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Disclaimer:The home remedies suggested here are not a substitute for treatment by doctors. It is highly advisable to seek an expert’s opinion. All the remedies listed here may not be suitable for everyone. It is recommended to check for allergies or do a patch test before using the remedy.
Home Remedies for Loose Teeth
Here are some home remedies to help improve loose teeth. Loose teeth can also indicate some underlying health condition, hence it is necessary to take a doctor’s consultation.
- A published article states that turmeric is highly effective in managing periodontitis when compared to commonly used medication such as chlorhexidine. Mix pepper and
turmeric in a bowl and gently massage it into your gums for 1 to 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth with cool, clean water. Avoid drinking or eating anything for 30 minutes after the treatment. This remedy can be used daily as long as it doesn’t irritate your gums (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Curcumin for the Management of Periodontal Diseases: A Review
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- A mixture of 1/8 tsp of salt with 2 drops of mustard oil can be massaged into your gum for 1 minute. Rinse your mouth with cool water. This may help strengthen your gums and avoid loose teeth.
- Amla (Indian gooseberry) may help strengthen loose teeth and gums. A research article states that extract from amla can be used to reduce inflammation and periodontal destruction in patients with chronic periodontitis. Make a mixture of amla extract and clean water in a cup, stir it for sometime and rinse your mouth once a day with this mixture. Avoid eating or drinking for an hour after the rinse (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
Effect of Subgingivally Delivered 10% Emblica officinalis Gel as an Adjunct to Scaling and Root Planing in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis - A Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial
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- Add a bit of salt in warm water and stir it well. Gargle your mouth with this water for a minute in the morning and spit it out. Rinse your mouth with clean water and you can start brushing. This will help pull out all the bacteria present in and around your teeth.
- Make your own home tooth powder to maintain a healthy mouth. Make a mixture of 3 parts oak bark, 6 parts comfrey root, 3 parts horsetail root, 1 part lobelia, 1 part cloves and 3 parts pepper mint. Powder and mix all these ingredients well and use this powder daily for brushing your teeth.
- Include foods that are a rich source of vitamin C such as oranges, guavas, kiwi and strawberries, and calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese, cereals and milk in your diet for healthy gums and to strengthen your teeth.
- Oil pulling is a traditional home remedy practiced in ancient India.According to a published journal, oil pulling when practiced correctly and regularly along with routine brushing and flossing is said to improve overall oral hygiene. In oil pulling, a tablespoon full of sesame oil is swished around the mouth in the early morning before breakfast and in empty stomach for about 20 min. In case of children greater than five years of age, a teaspoon of oil is used. The oil is ‘pulled’ and forced in between all the teeth by swishing it all around the mouth. At the end of this activity if the procedure is done correctly, the viscous oil will become milky white and thinner. Then it is spit out and mouth is thoroughly washed with clean warm saline water or tap water and teeth are cleaned with fingers or routine tooth brushing is performed. If the jaw aches, then the procedure can be done just for 5–10 min. The oil should not be spit into the sink as the oil can cause clogging of the pipes. Instead, the oil should be spit into a trashcan or on a paper towel. One should be cautious not to swallow the oil as it contains bacteria and toxins which can prove hazardous to health (5✔ ✔Trusted Source
Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene – A review
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