
Useful Tips for Getting Health Insurance for Pre-existing Conditions

Useful Tips for Getting Health Insurance for Pre-existing Conditions

You need this type of insurance if you have a pre-existing condition prior to joining a particular health insurance plan.

Why Is It Different From Other Plans?

A person suffering from a pre-existing condition is considered to be at a higher risk for future ailments. Therefore health insurance companies will consider a health insurance policy covering this person as a more expensive burden from their side and hence are not willing to offer this type of health plan for a low price. However, with due diligence and with a thorough research you can avoid paying more than you need to.

Exclusion Periods for Pre-existing Conditions

Another possibility is to obtain insurance with an exclusion period. This exclusion period is for a limited time and may range from 6 to 18 months. In this case although you are covered by your policy during this period any claims against the specific pre-existing medical condition will be denied.

Prior to enrolling in the new coverage, if you have not made a claim for the particular health condition within a certain period, then the pre-existing condition is not going to affect your new policy.

For any pre-existing conditions to be counted, a policy, for instance, may have a period of 6 months. If you have not made any claims for this pre-existing condition within 6 months prior to joining the new health insurance plan, chances are you will then be able to claim for any problems that might arise immediately, without having to wait for the exclusion period to finish.


HIPAA and Creditable Coverage Protection

In 1966, a law was passed that helps you when you need to buy, change, or even continue with your medical insurance. Some of the features of this act are:

  • It guarantees that once you purchase insurance you can renew it regardless of any changes to you or your family’s health.
  • Prevents many health plans from discriminating against you by denying you coverage or charging you more for coverage based on your or a family member's health problems.
  • It limits how much exclusion can be used for pre-existing conditions.
  • Guarantees that if you lose your job and your coverage, you have the right to purchase health insurance for you and your family.
  • One important aspect of the HIPAA plan is the Creditable Coverage. Before signing up to the new plan, if you had any previous coverage and if it had not been interrupted for 63 days, it can act as a buffer for any exclusion periods in the new plan. This can offset any gaps in coverage you might have otherwise experienced.

Travel Insurance for Pre-existing Conditions

Are you planning to go on a vacation? Your chances of getting travel insurance for your vacation might be affected if you are suffering from a pre-existing medical condition. You will need to find some insurance specifically for traveling as your travel might not be covered under home insurance. This will pose the same issue as finding insurance in general when a pre-existing condition already exists.









