United India Insurance offers insurance policy for senior citizens that allows a maximum of 3 lakhs. Insured person can avail a Daily Cash Allowance and Additional Premium Allowance per day during hospitalization. Please go through to know more about the allowances, scope of cover and other benefits.
Salient Features
- Entry Age: 61 years to 80 years and taking a Mediclaim Policy for the first time.
- Sum Insured: Rs.50,000/- to Rs 3,00,000/-.
- A family discount of 5% of the total premium will be allowed comprising the insured and any one or more of the following:
- Spouse
- Dependent children (i.e. legitimate or legally adopted children)

- The Policy will pay to the insured person a Daily Cash Allowance as given below from the third day onwards for the period of hospitalization in connection with admitted claims subject to a maximum stated below on payment of additional premium as under:
Additional Premium Allowance per day Subject to maximum of Rs.150/-, Rs.250/-, Rs.2,500/- per policy period Rs.300/-, Rs.500/-, Rs.5,000/- per policy period.
Note: Please refer to the policy documents for the complete Insurance Policy subject to the insurance Company.