Alcohol Abuse - Alcohol Addiction - Treatment – Rehab among Woman

Latest Publications and Research on Alcohol Addiction and Women

BMC Public Health      

Magnitude of Khat use and associated factors among women attending antenatal care in Gedeo zone health centers, southern Ethiopia: a facility based cross sectional study.

Mekuriaw B, Belayneh Z, Yitayih Y

Khat (Catha edulis) is a fresh green leave commonly chewed for recreational purpose and its euphoric effect as a result of dopamine activities stimula ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Contraception   2020 Jan 23   

Computer-Assisted Motivational Interviewing for Contraceptive Use in Women Leaving Prison: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Christine BE, Clarke Jennifer G, Dora D, Stein Lynda AR, Mary R, van den Berg Jacob J

Rates of unintended pregnancies in women with a history of incarceration are high and access to contraception before and after arrest can be limited. ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Surg Obes Relat Dis   2019 Dec 19   

Diagnoses related to abuse of alcohol and addictive substances after gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: a nation-wide registry study from Norway.

Strømmen M, Bakken IJ, Klöckner C, Sandvik J, Kulseng B, Holen A

After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients are at higher risk of alcohol problems. In recent years, sleeve gastrectomy (SG) has become a common pr ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Addict Med   2020 Jan 14   

Association Between Recent Cannabis Consumption and Withdrawal-Related Symptoms During Early Abstinence Among Females With Smoked Cocaine Use Disorder.

Viola TW, Sanvicente-Vieira B, Kluwe-Schiavon B, Rothmann LM, Mélo-Pereira JVNE, Bicca C, Ottolia Niederauer JP, Schmitz J, Grassi-Oliveira R

The effects of cannabis on clinical outcomes of treatment services for other drug use disorders remains unclear. The primary aim of the current study ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse   2020 Jan 22   

Derivation and assessment of the opioid use disorder severity scale: prediction of health, psychological and social adjustment problems.

Kirisci L, Tarter RE, Reynolds M, Hayes KN, Cochran G, Vanyukov M

Background: Severity of substance use disorder (SUD) is typically evaluated by tabulating the number of symptoms. The resulting estimate of disorder s ... Read More

Source: PubMed

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