
Latest Publications and Research on Appendicitis

Int J Surg Case Rep      

Intussusception of the vermiform appendix caused by mucinous tumor of the appendix: Case report.

Musa DH, Mohammed AA

Intussusception of the appendix occurs when part of the appendix passes the part next to it or the whole appendix to the cecum. It is classified as pr ... Read More

Source: PubMed
G Chir      

Amyand's hernia with acute phlegmonous appendicitis: case report.

D'Amata G, Del Papa M, Palmieri I, Florio G, Musmeci L, Manzi F, Del Vecchio C, Carnì P, Crovaro M, Buonocore V

Any inguinal hernia containing the vermiform appendix is called Amyand's hernia. Amyand hernias are very rare and even rarer is the association of Amy ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Ultrasound   2020 Jan 30   

A pin detected by ultrasonography within the normal appendix: prior to surgery, an impressive use of ultrasonography to localize an ingested foreign body exactly.

Yildiz H, Okay ST, Yildirim E, Beskardesler N

We present a 1-year-old boy who was asymptomatic and brought to the emergency room on suspicion of his having swallowed a pin. Confirmation of ingesti ... Read More

Source: PubMed
BMJ Case Rep      

Torsion of undescended abdominal testicle in a 16-year-old and its management.

Malik MIK, Abbas J, Sabri S, Michael G, Ellenbogen S

A 16-year-old boy attended the Emergency Department with sudden severe right iliac fossa pain and associated vomiting. He denied any urinary symptoms, ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Clin Perinatol      

Neonatal and Infant Appendicitis.

Bence CM, Densmore JC

Neonatal appendicitis is a rare disease with a high mortality rate. Appendicitis is difficult to diagnose in neonatal and infant populations because i ... Read More

Source: PubMed

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