Bubonic Plague

Latest Publications and Research on Bubonic Plague

Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol.   2020 Jan 30   

The Modern Plague of Anti-Vaccine Extremists.

Pan RJ

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Source: PubMed
BMC Infect. Dis.      

Performance of plague rapid diagnostic test compared to bacteriology: a retrospective analysis of the data collected in Madagascar.

Rajerison M, Melocco M, Andrianaivoarimanana V, Rahajandraibe S, Rakotoarimanana F, Spiegel A, Ratsitorahina M, Baril L

Plague is a highly fatal disease caused by Yersinia pestis. Late diagnosis hampers disease outcome and effectiveness of control measures, induces deat ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Int J Microbiol      

Aflatoxins in Uganda: An Encyclopedic Review of the Etiology, Epidemiology, Detection, Quantification, Exposure Assessment, Reduction, and Control.

Omara T, Nassazi W, Omute T, Awath A, Laker F, Kalukusu R, Musau B, Nakabuye BV, Kagoya S, Otim G, Adupa E

Uganda is an agrarian country where farming employs more than 60% of the population. Aflatoxins remain a scourge in the country, unprecedentedly reduc ... Read More

Source: PubMed
NPJ Vaccines      

Flagellin adjuvanted F1/V subunit plague vaccine induces T cell and functional antibody responses with unique gene signatures.

Hamzabegovic F, Goll JB, Hooper WF, Frey S, Gelber CE, Abate G

Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, could be weaponized. Unfortunately, development of new vaccines is limited by lack of correlates of protection. ... Read More

Source: PubMed

White Matter Evaluation in Multiple Sclerosis Through Magnetic Resonance Kurtosis Imaging.

Sahin S, Çam I, Öztürk O, Efendi H, Anik Y, Gundogdu O

To investigate diffusional changes in multiple sclerosis (MS) plaques and non-Gaussian behavior of water diffusion by using diffusional kurtosis imagi ... Read More

Source: PubMed
