
Latest Publications and Research on Caffeine and Decaffeination


Critical study of crop-derived biochars for soil amendment and pharmaceutical ecotoxicity reduction.

Caban M, Folentarska A, Lis H, Kobylis P, Bielicka-Gieldon A, Kumirska J, Ciesielski W, Stepnowski P

In this study, biochars (BCs) produced from crops (straw and seeds) were tested for the applicability as additive to soils. The effect on pH, water ca ... Read More

Source: PubMed

Non-pharmacological, non-surgical interventions for urinary incontinence in older persons: A systematic review of systematic reviews. The SENATOR project ONTOP series.

Kilpatrick KA, Paton P, Subbarayan S, Stewart C, Abraha I, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, O'Mahony D, Cherubini A, Soiza RL

Urinary incontinence is especially common in older age. Non-pharmacological therapies are particularly desirable in this group. ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol. Pharmacol.   2020 Jan 28   

Endocrine disruptive action of diclofenac and caffeine on Astyanax altiparanae males (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae).

Godoi FGA, Muñoz-Peñuela M, Olio Gomes AD, Tolussi CE, Brambila-Souza G, Branco GS, Lo Nostro FL, Moreira RG

Diclofenac (DCF) and caffeine (CAF) are persistent pharmaceuticals that occur in mixtures in the aquatic ecosystems causing effects in the reproductiv ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Pharmacol Rep      

Lacidipine attenuates caffeine-induced anxiety-like symptoms in mice: Role of calcium-induced oxido-nitrosative stress.

Khurana K, Bansal N

Anxiety is a disorder of multi-factorial pathogenesis involving interrelated pathways of neurotransmitters, oxidative stress and metamorphosed calcium ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Fetal Pediatr Pathol   2020 Jan 31   

The Effect of Midazolam on Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Preterm Infants.

Okan MA, Büyükkayhan D, Karatekin G

Objective: Our study aimed to investigate the effect of caffeine and midazolam on oxidative stress and neuronal apoptosis markers in preterm neonates. ... Read More

Source: PubMed