Convulsions / Seizures / Fits - Symptom Evaluation

Latest Publications and Research on Convulsions

Neurosurg Focus      

Use of the train-of-five bipolar technique to provide reliable, spatially accurate motor cortex identification in asleep patients.

Bander ED, Shelkov E, Modik O, Kandula P, Karceski SC, Ramakrishna R

Intraoperative cortical and subcortical mapping techniques have become integral for achieving a maximal safe resection of tumors that are in or near r ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Epilepsy Behav      

Antiepileptic drug effects on subjective and objective cognition.

Quon RJ, Mazanec MT, Schmidt SS, Andrew AS, Roth RM, MacKenzie TA, Sajatovic M, Spruill T, Jobst BC

Cognitive impairment is one of the most common complaints for persons with epilepsy (PWE). These impairments are not only associated with seizures, bu ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Epilepsy Behav      

Experience of epilepsy: Coping strategies and health outcomes among Ghanaians living with epilepsy.

Deegbe DA, Aziato L, Attiogbe A

The purpose of this study was to assess the coping strategies of people living with epilepsy (PLWEs) and their health outcomes. ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Epilepsy Behav      

The effect of left and right long-term amygdala kindling on interictal emotionality and Fos expression.

Fournier NM, Brandt LE, Kalynchuk LE

Clinical observations have often reported that patients with seizures arising from limbic structures on the right side of the brain have a higher inci ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Epilepsy Res.      

Cardiometabolic risk and effectiveness of the modified Atkins Ketogenic Diet for adult patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsies in a middle-income country.

de Souza Neves G, Dos Santos Lunardi M, Papini Gabiatti M, Kurrle Rieger Venske D, Ribeiro LC, Lin K, Dubois Moreira J

A ketogenic diet may be a therapeutic option for approximately one third of patients with epilepsy. These patients continue to have seizures despite s ... Read More

Source: PubMed

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