
Latest Publications and Research on Drug Abuse

J. Clin. Virol.      

Community viral load and hepatitis C virus infection: Community viral load measures to aid public health treatment efforts and program evaluation.

Jordan AE, Perlman DC, Cleland CM, Wyka K, Schackman BR, Nash D

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the most prevalent blood-borne infection and causes more deaths than any other infectious disease in the US. Inci ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Addict Behav      

Craving mediates the effect of impulsivity on lapse-risk during alcohol use disorder treatment.

Coates JM, Gullo MJ, Feeney GFX, McD Young R, Dingle GA, Clark PJ, Connor JP

Rash impulsiveness, the propensity for approach behaviour despite potential negative consequences, is associated with stronger alcohol craving in pati ... Read More

Source: PubMed

Adolescent cannabis exposure increases heroin reinforcement in rats genetically vulnerable to addiction.

Lecca D, Scifo A, Pisanu A, Valentini V, Piras G, Sil A, Cadoni C, Di Chiara G

On the basis of epidemiological studies it has been proposed that cannabis use plays a causal role in the abuse of highly addictive drugs (Gateway Hyp ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Cell   2020 Jan 28   

Cryo-EM Structure of the Human Cannabinoid Receptor CB2-Gi Signaling Complex.

Xing C, Zhuang Y, Xu TH, Feng Z, Zhou XE, Chen M, Wang L, Meng X, Xue Y, Wang J, Liu H, McGuire TF, Zhao G, Melcher K, Zhang C, Xu HE, Xie XQ

Drugs selectively targeting CB2 hold promise for treating neurodegenerative disorders, inflammation, and pain while avoiding psychotropic side effects ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Womens Health (Larchmt)   2020 Jan 31   

Sex Differences, Cocaine Use, and Liver Fibrosis Among African Americans in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV Cohort.

Zarini G, Sales Martinez S, Campa A, Sherman K, Tamargo J, Hernandez Boyer J, Teeman C, Johnson A, Degarege A, Greer P, Liu Q, Huang Y, Mandler R, Choi D, Baum MK

Background: HIV infection disproportionally affects African Americans. Liver disease is a major cause of non-HIV morbidity and mortality in this popul ... Read More

Source: PubMed

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