Cold Sores: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Latest Publications and Research on Cold Sores

J. Gen. Virol.   2020 Jan 21   

Cold atmospheric plasma as antiviral therapy - effect on human herpes simplex virus type 1.

Bunz O, Mese K, Funk C, Wulf M, Bailer SM, Piwowarczyk A, Ehrhardt A

In previous studies, cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) was explored as an antibacterial and antiviral agent for the treatment of chronic wounds. The aim o ... Read More

Source: PubMed
BMJ Open      

Efficacy of a topical herbal and mineral formulation (Dynamiclear) for the treatment of herpes simplex labialis in the community setting: study protocol for a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial.

Armour M, Semprini A, Ee C, MacCullagh L, Shortt N

Herpes simplex labialis (HSL) is a common infection that can cause painful lesions on the oral mucosa, commonly referred to as cold sores. Current bio ... Read More

Source: PubMed

Applicability of molecular assays for detection and typing of herpes simplex viruses in encephalitis cases.

Dhull D, Sharma V, Sharma Y, Kaushik S

Herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) cause a latent infection in humans which is mainly associated with characteristic cold sores or fever blisters and genit ... Read More

Source: PubMed
