Muscle Atrophy

Latest Publications and Research on Muscle Atrophy

J Neuromuscul Dis   2020 Jan 28   

Revised Recommendations for the Treatment of Infants Diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Via Newborn Screening Who have 4 Copies of SMN2.

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Source: PubMed
Exp. Gerontol.      

Inflammatory biomarkers of frailty.

Vatic M, von Haehling S, Ebner N

Frailty is a functional term that describes a decline in physiological functions that leads to dependency, vulnerability to stressors, high risk for a ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Acta Biomater   2020 Jan 29   

Functional supramolecular bioactivated electrospun mesh improves tissue ingrowth in experimental abdominal wall reconstruction in rats.

Mori da Cunha MGMC, Arts B, Hympanova L, Rynkevic R, Mackova K, Bosman AW, Dankers PYW, Deprest J

Development of biomaterials for hernia and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repair is encouraged because of high local complication rates with current mate ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Exp. Gerontol.   2020 Jan 29   

Age-related degeneration of the lumbar paravertebral muscles: Systematic review and three-level meta-regression.

Dallaway A, Kite C, Griffen C, Duncan M, Tallis J, Renshaw D, Hattersley J

Morphological changes of the lumbar spine muscles are not well characterised with ageing. To further the understanding of age-related degeneration of ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J. Neurosci. Methods   2020 Jan 29   

Controllable Forces for Reproducible Chronic Constriction Injury Mimicking Compressive Neuropathy in Rat Sciatic Nerve.

Chen SH, Huang TC, Wang JY, Wu CC, Hsueh YY

Compressive neuropathy is a recurring and challenging disease for patients, regardless of medical or surgical treatment. Neuropathological severity is ... Read More

Source: PubMed
