
Latest Publications and Research on Radiotherapy

Osteoporos Int   2020 Feb 01   

Low bone mineral density is associated with hypogonadism and cranial irradiation in male childhood cancer survivors.

Isaksson S, Bogefors K, Åkesson K, Øra I, Egund L, Bobjer J, Leijonhufvud I, Giwercman A

We investigated if bone mineral density was related to testosterone deficiency and/or previous cancer treatment in men who were childhood cancer survi ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Med. J. Malaysia      

The objective assessment of the effects on cognition functioning among military personnel exposed to hypobaric-hypoxia: A pilot fMRI study.

Nisha SN, Fathinul Fikri AS, Aida AR, Salasiah M, Hamed S, Rohit T, Amei Farina AR, Loh JL, Mazlyfarina M, Subapriya S

To identify regions of the brain affected during cognitive working memory during tasks to assess attention, planning and decision making among militar ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Radiother Oncol      

Hospital variance in neoadjuvant rectal cancer treatment and the influence of a national guideline update: Results of a nationwide population-based study.

Koëter T, Elferink MA, Verhoeven RHA, Zimmerman DDE, Wasowicz DK, Verheij M, de Wilt JHW

The aim of this study was to examine the hospital variation in neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer according to the different risk groups (low-, in ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Phys Med      

Integration of the M6 Cyberknife in the Moderato Monte Carlo platform and prediction of beam parameters using machine learning.

Wagner A, Brou Boni K, Rault E, Crop F, Lacornerie T, Van Gestel D, Reynaert N

This work describes the integration of the M6 Cyberknife in the Moderato Monte Carlo platform, and introduces a machine learning method to accelerate ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Phys Med      

Quality indicators for hyperthermia treatment: Italian survey analysis.

Di Dia A, Maggio A, Gabriele D, Cattari G, Bresciani S, Miranti A, Carillo V, D'Angelo S, Dall'Oglio S, Donato V, Ferrara T, Maluta S, Stasi M, Gabriele P

Nowadays, no Quality Indicators (QI) have been proposed for Hyperthermia treatments. Starting from radiotherapy experience, the aim of this work is to ... Read More

Source: PubMed
