Dental / Tooth Extraction

Latest Publications and Research on Dental / Tooth Extraction

J Am Pharm Assoc (2003)   2020 Jan 29   

A case report of self-medication with over-the-counter fish antibiotic: Implications for pharmacists.

Burns A, Goodlet KJ, Chapman A, Roberts EP

The human use of over-the-counter antibiotics intended for the treatment of pet animals has been recognized as a potential barrier to antibiotic stewa ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J. Mol. Histol.   2020 Jan 31   

Role of p53 deficiency in socket healing after tooth extractions.

Yang X, Zhou Z, Mao Z, Shen M, Chen N, Miao D

p53 is known to advance the cell arrest and cell senescence in human tumors. In this study, we displayed that osteogenic ability of p53-knockout (p53- ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Saudi J Anaesth      

Impact of maxillary teeth morphology on the failure rate of local anesthesia.

Gazal G, Omar E, Fareed WM, Alsharif A, Bahabri R

To investigate the effect of maxillary single and multiple rooted teeth on the success rate of buccal infiltration anesthesia. ... Read More

Source: PubMed
BMC Oral Health      

Dentists' clinical decision-making about teeth with apical periodontitis using a variable-controlled survey model in South Korea.

Lee J, Kang S, Jung HI, Kim S, Karabucak B, Kim E

This study, by using a variable-controlled survey model, sought to compare clinical decisions made by dentists with different clinical backgrounds in ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Clin Pediatr Dent      

Dental Caries, Developmental Defects of Enamel and Enamel Microhardness Associated with Genetic Polymorphisms in the RANK/RANKL/OPG System.

Calvano Küchler E, Maschietto Pucinelli C, Carpio Horta K, Assed Bezerra da Silva R, de Castro Costa M, Rezende Vieira A, Nelson-Filho P, Assed Bezerra da Silva L, Santos Antunes L, Azeredo Antunes L

Purpose: Recent studies have suggested that disruptions in the RANKL/RANK/OPG system might be involved in enamel conditions. The aim of this study was ... Read More

Source: PubMed
