Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Eat Breakfast

Latest Publications and Research on Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Eat Breakfast

J Nutr Health Aging      

Transition to a More even Distribution of Daily Protein intake Is Associated with Enhanced Fat Loss during a Hypocaloric and Hhysical Activity Intervention in Obese Older Adults.

Farsijani S, Cauley JA, Santanasto AJ, Glynn NW, Boudreau RM, Newman AB

Optimization of intentional weight loss in obese older adults, through preferential fat mass reduction, is challenging, as the concomitant lean mass l ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Eur J Clin Nutr   2020 Jan 30   

Breakfast prevalence of medical students is higher than students from nonmedical faculties in Inner Mongolia Medical University.

Lu Z, Sun Z, Wu R, Du W, Zhang H, Zhang N, Chen G, Yu P, Sun S, Zhang Z, Gao L, Yu B, Duan S, Sun J

Skipping breakfast is becoming common worldwide. Our previous studies showed that the breakfast prevalence was relatively low. ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Am Med Dir Assoc   2020 Jan 27   

Validity of Plate Diagrams for Estimation of Energy and Protein Intake of Nursing Home Residents Receiving Texture-Modified Diet: An enable Study.

Ott A, Voigt M, Sieber CC, Volkert D

Nursing home (NH) residents receiving texture-modified diet (TMD) are at risk of inadequate nutritional intake and subsequent malnutrition. It is esse ... Read More

Source: PubMed
Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess   2020 Jan 30   

Nickel in foods sampled on the Belgian market: identification of potential contamination sources.

Babaahmadifooladi M, Jacxsens L, De Meulenaer B, Du Laing G

Nickel can occur in plant-based, animal-based foods and drinks. It can either naturally occur in plants or it could originate from contamination. The ... Read More

Source: PubMed
J Hum Nutr Diet   2020 Jan 30   

Habitual protein intake, protein distribution patterns and dietary sources in Irish adults with stratification by sex and age.

Hone M, Nugent AP, Walton J, McNulty BA, Egan B

Given the importance of habitual dietary protein intake, distribution patterns and dietary sources in the aetiology of age-related declines of muscle ... Read More

Source: PubMed
