
HL7 [Health Level 7]

Current Scenario in Healthcare Organizations

Key Challenges faced by Healthcare Organizations

  • By not having access to right information at the right place and the right time there is a definite impact on safety, effectiveness and costs related to healthcare.
  • At the time of treatment, healthcare information remains dis-organized in bits and pieces without any co-relation between the available data.
  • In this age of e-commerce, there is increase in the costs of physically transferring paper records.

Such challenges exist within an organization across organizations. Such hurdles can be overcome provided healthcare organizations follow same set of standards by setting up information management system and encouraging healthcare organizations to share their data.

Necessity of same standards across Health Organizations

In a fast-paced world, interoperability has become essential and very important. By establishing standards, interoperability is ensured. Interoperability involves 3 aspects:

a) Technical: Moving data from system A to system B

b) Semantic: Ensuring that system A and system B understand the data in the same manner

c) Process: Enabling business processes at organizations housing system A and system B to work in sync with each other.

By ensuring interoperability, business interests of an organization receive the required boost.

Latest Publications and Research on HL7 [Health Level 7]
