
Importance of Rural India vis-a-vis Indian Healthcare Reforms - Dietary Guidelines for Indians

Dietary Guidelines for Indians

Guidelines for leading a Healthy Life

  • Maintain a state of positive health accompanied with optimal performance in population at large.
  • Ensure adequate nutritional status for pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Improve birth weights and promote growth of infants.
  • Getting rid of high mortality rates with effective and timely medical management
  • Children and adolescents to achieve their full genetic potential
  • To achieve adequacy in all nutrients and prevent nutritional deficiency diseases.
  • To maintain the health of the elderly and increase the life expectancy.
  • Boosting stamina, vigour and vitality
  • Improved life with quality healthcare products and services

An advice for Indians: Importance of Diet during different stages of life

a) Senior Citizens: For being physically active and healthy, nutritious, nutrient dense and low-fat foods are recommended.

b) Pregnancy: For maintaining health productivity, prevention of diseases and for supporting pregnancy/lactation,
nutritionally adequate diet with extra food for child bearing/rearing is recommended.

c) Adolescent: For increased spurt in growth, maturation and bone development, body building, healthy protective foods and foodstuffs rich in carbohydrates and proteins is recommended.

d) Children: For growth, development and to fight infections in children, energy, bodybuilding and protective foods are recommended.

e) Infant: For growth and achieving appropriate milestones, breast milk and energy rich foods are recommended.

Dietary Guidelines for Indians

  • Nutritious and adequate diet should be judiciously consumed through a wise choice from a variety of foods that are available
  • Additional food, nutritious diet and extra care are required during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Exclusive breast-feeding should be practiced up to 4-6 months. Breast–feeding can be continued up to two years.
  • Food supplements should be introduced to infants by 4-6 months for sustainability in the growth process.
  • Both healthy and sick children and adolescents should be given adequate and appropriate diet.
  • Green leafy vegetables, raw vegetables and fruits should be used in plenty.
  • Cooking oils, dairy products, bakery products and animal foods should be used in moderation.
  • Vanaspati, ghee, oil, butter should be used only sparingly.
  • Over-eating should be avoided to prevent over-weight and obesity.
  • Proper physical activity is essential to maintain desirable body weight for any individual.
  • Salt should be used in moderation.
  • Junk foods should be avoided at all costs
  • Foods consumed should be safe, clean and free from flies. Stale food-stuffs should be discarded.
  • Healthy and positive food concepts and cooking practices should be adopted.
  • Food should not be overcooked or under-cooked. It should be cooked appropriately so that it is easy to digest.
  • Water should be taken in adequate amounts.
  • Water should be boiled or filtered before consuming for drinking or cooking purposes.
  • Beverages should be consumed in moderation.
  • Processed and ready-to-eat foods should be used judiciously.
  • Sugar should be used sparingly.
  • The elderly should eat a nutrient-rich diet to keep fit and active.

Tips for leading Good Quality Life

  • Exercise regularly and in moderation. Over-exertion while exercising should be avoided.
  • Avoid smoking, chewing of tobacco and consumption of alcohol.
  • Check regularly for blood glucose, lipids and blood pressure after the age of 30 years.
  • Avoid self-medication.
  • Practice stress management techniques such as Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation etc.
  • Immunize children and pregnant women.
  • Restrict intake of preserved and processed foods like papads, pickles, sauces, ketchup, salted biscuits, chips and preserved food stuffs.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits to provide adequate potassium.
  • Use always iodized salt.
  • Nutritious and adequate diet should be judiciously consumed through a wise choice from a variety of foods that are available.











