Meditation Techniques
- Setting a positive background, chanting Mantras and incorporating Mudras are techniques of Meditation.
- Focusing on one’s breathing or gazing at a point or object can also bring in awareness and amplify the effect.
- Lotus Posture (cross legged, head and back in straight line), feet on the thighs, closed eyes can aid Meditation.
- Kneeling Posture is an effective method.
- Egyptians’ sitting posture is another technique.
- Taoist’s standing meditation of "Embracing the Pillar" is yet another technique.
Meditation Techniques Explained
Sit cross-legged, preferably in yogic Lotus Posture (Padmasana). Sit with the left foot on the right thigh and right leg on the left thigh. If one finds this posture difficult to maintain, one can simply sit cross- legged, to begin with. Close the eyes and turn the inward eye to the inner consciousness. One can visualize a bright light entering through our Sahasrar Chakra at the top of our head and rotate the light inside. Try to eliminate thoughts, but since that will automatically happen in due course, just ignore the thoughts when they appear. Sit quietly, chanting any affirmation that you are comfortable with. This can continue for half an hour. Initially, one can do it for fifteen minutes and gradually increase the time.