


Why We Need to Exercise

Any physical activity, which enhances overall fitness of the body, is known as exercise. There has to be a good balance between a healthy diet and exercise for maintaining fitness and a life free of diseases. Regular exercise helps increase muscle strength. A healthy body houses a sound mind, which in turn, gives one an optimistic approach to life.

Our current lifestyle is usually - waking up in the morning to the refreshing aroma of a cup of coffee and later, lazily climbing out of our beds for a warm bath and having a gooey cheese sandwich or pizza for breakfast, and driving off to office. While in office, we have a bite on the side, munch on chips and burgers, and top it up with a few rounds of tea or coffee. Later, there's the indispensable chicken or mutton curry with rice for dinner. This is, of course, followed by a supremely delicious dessert - a pie or an ice-cream! Then it is time to go to bed again!.

Aerobic Exercise

Similarly, another day follows suit, and one day after another, we constantly pump calories into our bodies without giving a thought to the havoc we wreck within our systems. An overweight body is a weak body. Obesity destroys the body’s defences, making us prone to diseases and results in mental stress.


You may have put on several pounds of weight, and yet never felt the desire to lose it. When you consume more calories than you burn, you start gaining weight, which leads to fat accumulating on the stomach. One must exercise on a daily basis, but if that comes across as a challenge, one should exercise vigorously for a minimum of 2 to 3 hours on weekends. There is a chance that the sudden spurt of activity may leave your muscles sore and aching. In that case, it is important to go slow with exercises and take rest during intervals. One should also try and take up yoga, meditation, aerobics, or dance.

Exercise helps one look good and feel beautiful from within. A healthy body leads to a happy frame of mind, which results in mental well-being. This makes one confident about one's abilities. This confidence is further reflected in the personal and professional life of a person. Improved blood circulation leads to the flow of positive energy, making one feel refreshed. This further gives one the ability to deal with difficult situations in a very positive manner. Positive energy also helps in clarity of thought. The mind stays alert and hence, enhances the level of concentration and memory. This further helps resolve insomnia, assuring sound sleep. The key to a healthy body, beautiful skin, and balanced biorhythms is sound sleep.

Exercise is important in any form, be it a sport, dance or aerobics. When one plays a sport on a regular basis, it helps develop a healthy mind and body. A good game of tennis or a vigorous swim in the pool helps a person feel vibrant and energetic.


One must make a resolve to stop being a couch potato and work towards physical fitness and a perfect figure.

Exercise is a stress buster. It has a catabolic effect on the body, which further results in contractile proteins being consumed within the muscles to release energy. This generates all the training effects of regular exercise: increased muscular strength, endurance, bone density, and connective tissue toughness.

In recent years, exercise has rightly gained importance the world over. In an increasingly white collar economy, where everyone uses mechanized transportation, technology, and physically sedentary recreational options, like watching a movie or going to a pub, exercise has gained prominence.

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