Holi Colors: How to Clean Your Face After Holi?

Holi Colors: How to Clean Your Face After Holi?

Holi Colors Can Harm Your Skin

Beautiful vibrant colors, the splash of cold water and playful pelting of colors on each other in the all possible hues is what makes Holi fun for all of us.

But what comes afterward, isn’t all that pretty. Colors can get in your skin and cause irritation. With all the colors that might not be coming off, it can embarrass you at work or show a ‘strange’ colorful you when you face a mirror.

Though Holi began as an important Hindu festival celebrated in India, it is now more of a cultural fun event celebrated globally where people get to splash colors on each other in a spirit of camaraderie. Holi is a time to mend broken relationships, bury a bitter past and celebrate life.

Celebrated in the spring season, colors traditionally used in Holi were plant-based taken from flowers and spices and hence safe on the skin. Colors used now are mass-produced from synthetic chemicals and dyes and can cause allergic skin conditions like acne and eczema. Rashes and blisters appear overnight on sensitive skin, sometimes even after the color is washed off.

Here are a few simple steps to safely remove Holi color

  • Use cold water to gently wipe off the color. Do not use hot water as it can solidify the existing color.
  • To wipe off color more effectively, soak cotton balls in coconut oil and very gently work on the edges of the face, behind ears, around eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Apply Amchur powder also referred as mango powder to get rid of really tough stains.
  • Do not wash your face again and again as this type of continuous washing can make the skin very dry.
  • Do not try skin or hair treatments like facial, bleach, hair color and the likes after Holi. Try and wait for at least a week or two before you start using chemicals on your skin or hair.

Celebrating the colors of our beautiful relationship, we the team of Medindia wish you and your family all the bright hues of life and a Happy Holi celebration.

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