Q: Which specialist doctor to consult for a personality disorder?
A: A psychologist or psychiatrist can be consulted for personality disorders.
Q: How do you keep your emotions at work?
A: Emotions at work can be managed by focusing on practical action, using deep breathing exercises, taking breaks when needed, and engaging in healthy communication.
Q: How do you balance professionalism with personality?
A: Professionalism can be balanced with personality by finding one’s way of approaching tasks and relationships, such that the quality of work is good, and at the same time, one is comfortable. Conducting workshops on topics like work-life balance, team unity, time management, positive work relationships and team strength building in the workplace can help achieve this balance.
Q: How do you deal with unprofessional behavior in the workplace?
A: Unprofessional behavior in the workplace can be handled calmly by focusing on the practical action that is necessary rather than emotionally reacting. The behavior in question can be addressed rather than shaming the person altogether. Having a code of conduct in place can help prevent such behavior.
Q: What are the links between your personality and professionalism?
A: Personality contributes to professionalism. For example, Type A personalities are more likely to be driven, work hard, meet deadlines, and pay attention to detail. Type B personalities are likely to be creative, adaptable, maintain healthy interpersonal relationships and handle stress well.
Q: How do I assess if I have a personality disorder?
A: A clinical psychologist will be able to assess and diagnose a personality disorder. The following link can also be used to check for symptoms, but diagnosis requires professional assessment: https://www.medindia.net/patients/calculators/personality-disorder-screening-test.asp