Gone are the days when staying single was considered a taboo. In today’s ever changing world, the society has also changed its way of perceiving and interpreting social interactions and relationships.
People are now embracing the institution of marriage only after a deep thought about its implications on their present and future and after understanding well the pros and cons of staying single.

Benefits of Staying Single
Just like every coin has two sides, even staying single has its own advantages. One cannot be forced to marry or stay single as it is a personal decision. But we can definitely elaborate on the good sides of staying single.
Advantages in Career and Economy
In the world of cut-throat competition, people’s ambitions are soaring day-by-day. They are striving to reach to the top as soon as possible. And single men and women have ample time in hand to concentrate more on job and career compared to married ones.
Many a times, working women do not wish to compromise on their flourishing career to start a family. Today, more women are studying and they do not wish to waste their talent and capability by taking breaks to start a family. For them, climbing the career ladder holds a more important priority in life. The satisfaction of achieving the best of life does not leave any feeling of regret in them, be it the marriage that was once considered the ultimate social security.
With developed countries adopting a more knowledge-based economy, women are able to earn on par with men. In such a scenario, they contribute equally to the system, thus earning the same salary as men. But an analysis by a marketing group in the US revealed that in certain sectors it was single women who drew the same salary as men.

Single men and women can contribute more towards the economy by working more. They can take up more challenging and tough tasks because for them, work is the first priority. They can stay late when required without carrying any burden of having to hurry back home in order to finish responsibilities there. Singles can be more flexible. There are many married women who do not prefer to take tours and trips, but there is no such rider for single women. They can freely take touring jobs.
Single people do not get distracted by marriage and family and they do not need to take breaks between jobs. These sabbaticals in between different jobs pull down married women in their career. Single women on the other hand skip the breaks and use the time to excel further, thus contributing more to the economy and the office. They can relocate to any site when required.
More Personal Time and Freedom for Singles
Single men and women have less of housework to manage, which ultimately leaves them with more time in hand to pamper them. A break can be planned anytime with no elaborate preparations required. Any outing or a trip with friends also sounds simple. But for a married person, additional requirements and arrangements can at times take off the sheen from the fun.

There have been many cases where married people had to give up personal interests in order to accommodate other responsibilities. But for singles, personal hobbies and interests do not take a back seat. There is enough time to hone and pursue new skills and passions, thus constantly reinventing oneself into a new person who can follow dreams without interruption.
Singles also enjoy the freedom to take decisions without much hassle. They do not need consensus from all corners of the house before embarking on any major assignment or work.
Singles Get More Time to Rest
After a hectic day, everybody wants to retire to a cosy and calm corner for some rest in order to gain strength for another tiring day. But this cannot always happen with married people. The job of looking after children and fulfilling other responsibilities of family and spouses hardly gives them time to rest and rejuvenate. And all this takes a toll on the health. But singles have their own resting time, thus making them feel more fresh to take up new challenges.

Better social network
In the age of technology, there are so many things to handle that time constraint is a big hurdle. Staying connected with all is one big challenge in itself. With so much agenda on the platter, social networking gets hindered at times for married people. But singles are independent to travel anytime, anywhere to improve upon their connectivity. Research has proved that marriage leads to less contact with parents and friends compared to remaining single.
Stay Fit and Slim- Stay Single!
According to a study published in USA Today, marriages in women promote weight gains that can trigger other health risks. Thus, singles can work better on themselves and can stay fit and healthy. They have time to start an exercise regime that can keep them healthy and slim.

No Explanations Required When You’re Single
When you are single, you don’t need to give explanations for coming in late or staying out at night or not coming back home for few days. You don’t even need to call back home and inform about your plans and set a time frame for every activity.
Problems of Staying Single
But all good things have some darker shade as well. So staying single has its disadvantages also.
Shorter Life Span, Higher Chances of Heart Disease for Singles
According to a study, single men have 34 per cent higher risk of early death and single women have a 23 per cent more chance of early death, compared to their married counterparts.
In another study, Japanese scientists showed single men had three times more chance of dying from cardiovascular disease than married men.

Oxford University study shows that for married women, the risk of dying of heart disease is reduced by 28 per cent. The study suggests that as soon as the symptoms start showing, women are urged by their partners to visit a doctor. According to another theory, a woman might be encouraged by her partner to lead a healthy lifestyle, thus increasing her life span and improving her health.
Another study has shown that being married improves cognitive function and reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Singles are Lonely, Lack Social Security and Support
Staying single can bring in loneliness and can push people towards depression. It may not be possible for singles to find suitable company according to their timing and wish. And at these moments when they find no one trustworthy to spend time with them, they can very easily slip into the phase of depression.

Human beings need mates and friends for support, especially in later part of life. They might miss that social security and support as one cannot live alone all the time.
Singles’ Economic Problem
When married, if one partner is not able to work or earn enough money, the other partner can pitch in. But for singles, earning your bread and butter even when the body or mind is exhausted can be a big challenge. Earning money single-handedly can put a lot of pressure at times, pushing the person towards serious addictions, depression and other health problems.

According to a study published in American Journal of Public Health, “Those who commit to marriage may have some characteristics that make them different from others, and those characteristics play a protective role for psycho-social well-being.”
“A great marriage isn’t something that just happens; it’s something that must be created” - Fawn Weaver